Hydro Sinus Lifting technique: advantages & possibilities
During the last years we’ve have been testifying a huge increase in HSL techiniques and surgical products putting a dash to dental implants surgeries altogether.
A few years ago dental implantology was only performed by a very small number of experienced dentists. But today, research an innovation brought us by several manufactures, brand new techniques possibly gave new results. This whole process has amplified the dental implantology offer significantly, and patients too are very much aware of the advantages of dental implants.
Maxillary sinus augmentation and Schneider membrane detachment
“…there where a limit was, someone saw a chance…”
The lack of a bone support in the maxilla urged professionals to look beyond the problem: this is why maxillary sinus augmentation techniques with lateral approach were first performed.
As many advanced surgical techniques, this too presents critical issues and limits given the fragility of the Schneider membrane and manual membrane’s detachment.
Where limits show up new possibilities come by. The question was: “Is there a chance to find and apply a less complex technique which eventually would bring less discomfort to the patient?” Yes: please welcome the crestal sinus lift.
Xdrill® – Hydro Sinus Lifting. A surgical kit has never been easier
Find out the surgical kit for the maxillary sinus augmentation Xdrill® – Hydro Sinus Lifting and be shown how it works.
The need of a new approach delivered kits with sequential use of tools such as burrs, burrs stop, compactors, levers, surgery tips, injectors, etc. which would guarantee a rather safe approach to the sinus and to the contextual Schneider membrane detachment.
Each of these surgical kits suggests multiple steps and since several instruments must be used they all look pretty much time-expensive. Plus, the accomplishment of successful surgery is always 100% operator-dependant, meaninng none of those techniques guarantee there won’t be membrane damaging.
On the contrary, this is what the Xdrill® – Hydro Sinus Lifting kit does. It’s simple it’s fast and it’s safe.
The Xdrill® HSL technique also allows you to get a predictable bicortical stability for the dental implant. Xdrill® HSL allows to approach the sinus floor, detach the Schneider membrane, insert the bone substitute of choice safely in just 4 steps. This is achievable through the Xdrill® burr which notice when the membrane is reached and automatically stops setting all perforation risks to zero!