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See How to Use HybenX Gel

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Remove Dental Biofilm

HYBENX (“Hi-ben-X”) is a proven chemical desiccant that safely removes microbes and tissue debris from the treatment areas without impacting other areas of the human microbiome. It is based on EPIEN’s novel HYBENX® Desiccation Shock Debridement Technology (“DSD”).

DSD is a breakthrough treatment for infected tissue surfaces based on a unique new class of non-antibiotic cleanser that quickly eradicates biofilm from infected tissue surfaces. DSD provides an intense cleaning action that differentiates between infected and underlying healthy tissues. Removal of biofilm has been confirmed using DNA and immunochemistry analysis techniques. The mechanism of this desiccation-based cleaning process is universal, physical, and non-biological.
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Following conventional methods for plaque biofilm debridement, periodontal pockets will still contain residual biofilm, which consists of harmful pathogens, dead tissue, and a combination of blood and inflammatory cells. There is strong evidence that molecular components of this bioburden remain despite rigorous standard prophylaxis using high-speed ultrasonic scalers and antibiotics.

Unlike standard cleansing agents, HYBENX quickly seeks out, dislodges, and destroys harmful pathogens and the residual molecular matrix in which they live on contact. Most dental practitioners will notice the ease of removing hardened calculus and plaque biofilm as HYBENX flows easily into hard to reach pits, furcations, and deep pockets to loosen residual bioburden.

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Dental Practice, Dental Styling Brands, Surgery

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